
The culture of Responsible Gaming in Italy

Knowledge, Opinions, and Experiences of the Public.

The research, titled "The Culture of Responsible Gambling in Italy: Knowledge, Opinions, and Experiences of the Public," carried out in collaboration with the social research institute Eumetra, was presented during the 14th European Conference on Gambling Studies on September 11, 2024, in Rome.

The research serves as a starting point to define the concrete actions necessary to promote the culture of Responsible Gambling in Italy. It begins with the need to understand the current gaps in these topics and how, by working together with operators, institutions, and other stakeholders, we can bridge them to place Responsible Gambling at the center of changes in the sector.

The sample, made up of over 2,000 people including players and non-players, surveyed in July 2024, revealed the levels of knowledge regarding Responsible Gambling and protection measures. The research also explored opinions on the Legislative Decree for the reorganization of online gaming (art. 15) and the public's interest in learning more.

There is a significant cultural divide between players and non-players regarding Responsible Gambling: 70% of players know the concept, have heard of it, and associate it with controlled, rational, and protected gaming. Non-players, not knowing this concept, consider it useless, mainly a marketing operation, and are not interested in learning more or exploring it further.

The collected data clearly shows the need for a change in the approach to player protection. A change that can only be realized through collaboration between sector operators, institutions, and stakeholders.

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