
Cinzia Castiglioni

Researcher, Faculty of Psychology of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan
Deputy Chairperson - Board of Executive Directors

Cinzia Castiglioni is a Researcher in the Faculty of Psychology of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan.

Her research is based on the perspective of economic psychology and the psychology of marketing and consumption, with particular emphasis on the psychology of money, Nudge theory, and new consumption patterns. She has authored numerous scientific articles published in national and international journals on the topics.

She also holds various teaching positions on these subjects in three-year degree courses, master's degree courses and a number of national and international master's courses, including the Interfaculty Economics-Psychology Master's in International Marketing Management, where she also coordinates teaching activities.

Over the years, she has worked with various market and social research institutes, and still delivers consultancy and scientific supervision for a number of companies. She is currently Director of the ASSIRM Study and Training Centre, the association that brings together the largest Italian companies conducting Market Research, Opinion Polls and Social Research.

Cinzia Castiglioni

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